What Makes For A Good First Car?

I’m pretty sure almost all of us here hate it when someone at your high school who has a brand new sports car and is probably a douche. It makes you jealous and you say how spoiled that person is. Is a brand new Ford Mustang GT a good first car? I don’t think so; here are some great qualities for a first car.
-Fuel efficient
-Slow and easy to control
Some cars that fit this description are a Honda Civic, VW Jetta TDI or a Subaru Impreza Wagon.

I think that a first car should be something that’s rusty, not in the best condition and something that needs work. A first car shouldn’t take a lot of skill and restraint to control, so a new Dodge Hellcat for me is a no go. A Foxboy Mustang that’s seen better days might be a good first car. It can teach a kid to fix cars and how they work, and they learn to appreciate it. A car that needs fixing up can be a good time to bond with your kids.

Let’s face it, the risk of teens wrecking within the first 2 years of driving is pretty high, so why give them something nice and easy to crash? Give them something that if they wreck it, it’s not THAT big of a deal if they do crash it.

In conclusion, for my petrolhead kids, possible first rides are a non M BMW E36 coupe, Mazda Miata and an old Mustang. Feel free to comment below as to what you’ll give YOUR future children for their first car.

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A civilian version of a sports car

03/04/2016 - 10:33 |
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Dave 12

I agree. Cheap slow and cheerful is the way. A of people are saying you shouldn’t buy your kids cars but I don’t think that’s true. Buy your kid a car. Just not anything fancy. You want them to strive for something better but still be able to drive as much as possible. Too many kids are not learning to drive these days because of the prohibitive costs. I don’t want my child o be one of those. I will help them learn, help them pass a test and give them a starting block to get them going.

03/04/2016 - 10:48 |
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Antonio 3

Probably not a rust bucket, for safety concerns, a car maybe like a old volvo or mercedes, yeah well with a little of rust, or a 00-04 hatchback like a renault clio or ford fiesta, i mean something with today standards of safety, small, slow, but fun

03/04/2016 - 11:45 |
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Subaru wagon wrx

03/04/2016 - 11:46 |
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Michael Rue

VW Jetta TDI was my first! Amazing little car with a lot of scratches already, so I could fully use it everywhere for everything!

03/04/2016 - 12:52 |
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Hello, fellow Norwegian.

03/04/2016 - 17:29 |
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Mazda Fanatic

Your qualities for a good first car, completely goes agaisnt my first car, 2006 Mazda RX8..

03/04/2016 - 13:10 |
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Did the exact same thing as you bro…

03/07/2016 - 03:17 |
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Dalton Reck

With money that was put away for me before I was born by my Great-Grandfather, I bought a 200,000 miles E36 318i. I’m a major petrol head as well and its an absolute great first car for a petrol head.

03/04/2016 - 13:38 |
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1.8 turbo makes me happy

My first car was a 92 toyota starlet, slow but very fun! I love that car!

03/04/2016 - 14:06 |
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FC RX7’s are dirt cheap here (but would need oil but who cares its a rotary), Foxbody Mustangs are good too and 60’s mustangs can be bought fairly under 10K (coupe or convertible, fastbacks are expensive) Golf GTI is a good car, crown vic (boat of a car but ridiculously cheap) I want an AE86 But yeah there are plenty of kids that have cars they shouldn’t have like one kid drives an F-Type A FREAKING BRAND NEW JAG, there’s a whole row of 2008-2012 challengers, a couple evos (yes the evolution not the lancer), 3 subaru (but they’re fine and relativly cheap though) an RX8 (which I cringe every time I see it because I know that he doesn’t know how it works or how to properly take care of it :’ ( last but not least….. A SHT TON OF LIFTED TRUCKS AND JEEPS (like seriously? who the fck gives their child a car with a high center of gravity and a lot of body roll with a high potential of flipping the vehicle? My friend RJ flipped his jeep and totalled it and THANK GOD he didn’t get injured but he isn’t allowed to drive for a while. And I’m just sitting here wanting an AE86 Corolla but my parents are like noooooo.

03/04/2016 - 14:25 |
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People like lifted jeeps because it looks cool AND they’re great offroaders

03/04/2016 - 16:04 |
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Chris Frydryck

Honda del Sol 😎 I get a lot of questions, I take it to car shows and who doesn’t like a targa top?!

03/04/2016 - 16:01 |
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