What Makes For A Good First Car?

I’m pretty sure almost all of us here hate it when someone at your high school who has a brand new sports car and is probably a douche. It makes you jealous and you say how spoiled that person is. Is a brand new Ford Mustang GT a good first car? I don’t think so; here are some great qualities for a first car.
-Fuel efficient
-Slow and easy to control
Some cars that fit this description are a Honda Civic, VW Jetta TDI or a Subaru Impreza Wagon.

I think that a first car should be something that’s rusty, not in the best condition and something that needs work. A first car shouldn’t take a lot of skill and restraint to control, so a new Dodge Hellcat for me is a no go. A Foxboy Mustang that’s seen better days might be a good first car. It can teach a kid to fix cars and how they work, and they learn to appreciate it. A car that needs fixing up can be a good time to bond with your kids.

Let’s face it, the risk of teens wrecking within the first 2 years of driving is pretty high, so why give them something nice and easy to crash? Give them something that if they wreck it, it’s not THAT big of a deal if they do crash it.

In conclusion, for my petrolhead kids, possible first rides are a non M BMW E36 coupe, Mazda Miata and an old Mustang. Feel free to comment below as to what you’ll give YOUR future children for their first car.

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I myself am looking for a first car and living in the UK, the insurance is eye watering.. even for a 1.6 NA MX5… That’s why I am looking towards an old 1.0 Austin/Rover Mini or even a 1.1 Peugeot 106… anything over a 1.3 is a no go. The Insurance companies have stepped their game up… I cant get an RX8 or a Smart Roadster either. Maybe its because they are RWD? but yeah, for me, I think the best would be a Mini or a 106. Judging by what you listed, the best would probably be a 106 because you can get a decent one for £400. A decent Mini will cost me around 10 times as much now :(

03/04/2016 - 19:18 |
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the thing is i’m an indian not living in the west. in indian lifestyle the kid starts working only after he/she finishes college, which is at about 23 years of old. so if the parent thinks that the kid has earn and buy a car himself, he will have to wait almost 6 years before he has any chance of owning a car. most well to do parents nowadays buy their kids their first car for them. and buying second hand cars are not that common. also if the parents are well off, there is a chance the car will be rather expensive. i’m 16 and when i get my license, my dad will get me a car for 60k. also we live in UAE, so gas is cheap an there is no tax. my cousin for eg has a challenget hellcat and he is still in college

03/05/2016 - 03:58 |
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Well I screwed up huge…. But as I see it, you can’t put a price on fun, unless you’re a completely broke teenager. #RotaryLife

03/05/2016 - 04:59 |
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Show some love for the Opel Astra G guys. :D

03/05/2016 - 15:40 |
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Miata 100%

03/05/2016 - 22:00 |
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My first car was a wee beater of a fiat seicento, I had it till recently but had a bit of a smash, I saved up for about 6 months and bought it off an old bloke at a filling station, my old man paid for my first tax disk. I looked after that car meticulously because it was mine
When I have my own Kids I think I’ll probably try and steer them into something as old and fixable as possible,

03/06/2016 - 19:15 |
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Guillaume 9

VW Jetta TDI…. I see you

03/10/2016 - 19:50 |
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