Why do car guys hate or dislike small economical hatchbacks? I just do not get that!

I have enough of this nonsense, this is where sh*t hits the fan!
I love cars. No, I Love Cars. Period. And I mean all cars. Yes that includes Fiat Multipla too, and Pontiac Aztek and Zastava Yugo.
But why do every one keeps on dreaming and drooling over GTRs and sorts of Ferarris and other ridicolus stuff that us, ordianry mortals probably won’t ever own. I have been around cars my whole life and yes, I do have dreams like that (Mercedes-Benz S600 W220 M137 V12 with exhaust that makes it sound like an V12 F1 car) and my ultimate ride is 2006 Subaru Impreza STI 2.5. But I’m curently stuck with what I can afford a 07’ Toyota Yaris 1.0 Stella. And you know what? I love that little Japanese even tho it is made in France (correct me if I am wrong). The 3 cylinder 998cc engine puffs out a whooping 66hp and that is just enough to get you in trouble considerng it has to howl around only a bout a tonne of weight. But it still goes well over what factoy wrote it is the top speed, it drifts (handbrake for the win) and its corners just fine and it does all that burning 5l/100km!

Dosen’t gets you interested a bit? What if i say to you that it is a great utility vehicle?

Small car my behind!

It is awsome. Its not the fastest nor the prittiest but takes every job and does it with with pleasure! So if the car is small and ‘weak’ don’t give up on it. Use it, drive it, live it! Even if it breaks down, don’t hate it, figure it out and fix it! Because we all know that this is the pleasure of being a car guy - Love for all the cars.

Bonus image :D

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I applaud you sir.

12/22/2015 - 23:31 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

thanks :)

12/22/2015 - 23:33 |
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Badgersaurus Flex

I get especially worked up when people talk smack on a Prius. Not every Prius driver is a tree-hugging environmental activist hippy who cries when you rev your straight pipe at them, most of them are just commuters who want awesome miles per gallon, people who’s lives don’t revolve around cars (shock, I know) and would rather spend their money on their own hobbies and interests. The car community is supposed to be welcoming and open-minded, and attacking people who don’t share the hobby is the exact opposite of that and a disgrace to us all.

12/23/2015 - 00:00 |
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Well, if you don’t share the hobby of a car enthusiast, what would you be doing here exactly?
I don’t think CTzens would be in the wrong for criticising such a person.
If your life doesn’t revolve around cars at least a little, you have no business here.

12/23/2015 - 01:09 |
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Personally I love small cars its the concept of driving a slow car fast that is what I love most about driving

12/23/2015 - 00:21 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Here is it what i wrote in a sentence!

12/23/2015 - 17:15 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I love hearing my 08 yaris screaming through the revs. I feel like I’m going fast but I’m doing the speed limit lolol. They handle really well also. I think of it as a Japanese mini XD

12/28/2015 - 23:35 |
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Learned to drive in one, no thanks! These cars are literally made to take you from a to b and have no real “feel” about them.. It’s all about the function and this is not what petrol heads like, we want a bit of soul, a bit of character etc and econoboxes

12/23/2015 - 00:28 |
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I have do disagree with you.. In a small tehnical course ( go kart track or a Safe Driving Facility like we have here in Slovenia) it gave an ass beating to a 02 BMW 320i (170(ish)hp) and on winter tyres too… But they are the cars that were desgin to get you form a to b , in city. They are easy to park and have great visibility form the drivers seat. The soul and character is not all about the ‘feel’ from the car, its about what you feel when you are driving the car. Oh and also this is great as far as the modern ecnobox is My Yaris haves only ABS as far as the driving safety features get soo… it can get preaty wobbly on wet or icy road :D

12/23/2015 - 17:27 |
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Dont have that.. Thanks character limit on CT APP.

12/23/2015 - 00:28 |
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Chris Mintjes

I like your Peugeot Aygo C1!
I also prefer hatchbacks, this is my little italian.

12/23/2015 - 00:34 |
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Go Skippy go.

12/23/2015 - 00:39 |
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I do like small cars though I own a Mini Cooper s

12/23/2015 - 00:39 |
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🇮🇩Mk7Golfer 🇦🇺

Who hates Yaris? Who?

12/23/2015 - 00:47 |
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The Roast My Car community also isn’t intended to have people write blogs about how good their cars are (no offence). It’s meant to have fellow CTzens take pot shots at your car and you being a good sport about it and having a laugh.

I don’t disagree with you, it’s just that this community isn’t the place for this kind of thing.

12/23/2015 - 01:12 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Sorry for the choosing the wrong communitiy… I wasn’t sure where should I put this. Thanks :)

12/23/2015 - 17:18 |
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