Why everyone should buy an old Mercedes-Benz in their life time (W115-W201)

Before gettting start i only own mercedes until now.
I drove a bunch of cars indicated for my age (20) but non of them pleased me like Mercedes did.
Before even i get my driver license i was already picking up the car i wanted, always was a Honda fanboy, or everything that could be light with a reasonable power, reasonable price and taxes, fwd and a lots of aftermaket available parts so i could put it in and make it my own taste, so honda fitted all that and more but when i turned 18 and took my driver license the first thing that got to my hands was an old, bit rusty Mercedes-Benz 200D from my uncle (before i even take my driver license i drove a bit so i could learn how to drive but never got that appeal for that car or even Mercedes brand) until that day. I always had that hate for Mercedes-Benz cause their so odd to look or even to like one, like you seriously have to enjoy or try to while driving one, but after you do it, theres no turning back, you get so bonded to that 3 point star “rusty thing” that everything you drive besides that gonna feel akward, uncomfy or even undrivable in some extreme cases ( like Seat Ibiza fo examble, once i drove one, i was so used to the Merc pedals, big and spaced, that when i tried to break my foot was on on the break and gas pedal at the same time, i almost crashed my friends car).
So yes they can be boxy and all of that but their so good doing what they do wich is enjoying DRIVING SLOWLY, it can be akward, maybe, for a petrolhead like me that like to feels and hear the power could end up giving that feel away and driving slowly, so here is why i did choose a Mec from.any other car i drove:
1st of all that got to me is how slow that car can be, especially that one powerd by a 2.0L diesel engine with around 75hp… yes you read it right, 75hp, just that, nothing more nothing less.
The 2nd thing you find weird in that car, especially on that age (1994 if im not mistaken) is the handbrake, or should i call it foot and hand brake, first of all, its no reliable, specially in aged Mercedes, every time you park in a hill you always have to put it in first or in reverse, cause if you won’t you probably will end up seing your pride joy rolling down the street and crash, and anyone wants that, but besides that minor subject its amazing the armrest space you have, for long trips its amazing.
The 3rd is the reliability that that tank has, its amazing, hardly breaks and if it does maintence and car parts are cheap to buy and easy to find.
4th is, inconvenient, is how slow it is. Yes can be akward to find that a slow car is a fun car, but trust me on it, this 2 ton beast is fun to drive cause of 3 things
-Its boxy body. Make the driver have a great visability to the outside world, makking it amazing and wonderful, so enjoyable to drive and cause your going slow, everything is just art to you;
-Steering wheel. Its big, like truck big, but dont get me wrong, it responds perfectly to the drivers acts, cause its so heavy you dont need to worry about understeer and oversteer is hardly to happen cause it doenst have the power to spin the wheels and to heavy to start sliding;
-Big body. Believe me or not this is a good point, just cause its big doenst mean hard to drive or to park, quite the opposite, cause its big and you have a view of everything plus the steering wheel base is incredible you park almost everywhere and with a effort equal of parking an hatchback.

5th point is my favourite one, it’s the suspesion. Its unbeliveble how comfy that is, really just blows my mind everytime i drive, puddles?! What is that?! You can drive to one right in the midle and dont feel a thing, thats a big plus on my list of what a car should be like!

6th and the funny one, its was made to be a taxi mistake. Seriously it was by mistake, Mercedes made de 190 and the 200 and even the 2500 to be luxury affordable cars for regular people, what they did make?! The ultimate taxi machine, you even have buttons to light just the back passengers lights, a button so with you dont have visability looking back cause of the head resters in the back seat are up, you pressed on it and boom, its down, and even have an book reader light for the front passenger, no admire that old people love it.

7th and the last one, amazing history behind the brand. I cant say alot cause i know a lot but mercedes has an amazing history thru all this years of production and you should look it up

Thank you for reading.

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Im srry for my misspelled words and numbers, im not english

01/03/2016 - 15:01 |
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Wow men, amazing, who would think a 75hp old Mercedes would be that cool! Anyone wants a fast car but no so many people thinks about that all points of view.

01/03/2016 - 15:07 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Thank you for seeing my point of view :)

01/03/2016 - 15:10 |
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Miss my old 190e 2.0, I learned to drive when i was 17 with no abs or anything! very slow but super smooth and nice to drive.
I’m on my 3rd mercedes now and i love it.

01/03/2016 - 20:50 |
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If we are talking about the W124 200D then the mass should be around 1400kg. We had a W124 250D and it was amazing, but the rust ate it. Now we have a W124 200d, not that rusty. The power difference is big, or at least it feels so. The suspension was not like in the old one, with this one you had to be more careful.
So looks like your car is in a good condition, be happy and enjoy!

01/04/2016 - 06:25 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

It used to be my car, now I own a C220 CDI SportCoupe with the Evolution pack from 2004, love it! Very sporty but calm when you need or want to, like an old Mercesdes, so the feel it stills there!
But I created this post cause I was fascinateded with this brand, that I complitly never cared about or even like it, was like meh mercedes are ugly heavy and for old people, a BMW would do lhe work better, but after ride the the 200D, if not mistaken the W201 (its from 94 or 96) and seeing, cause was my first car and I had it for like 3 months (seems short but I drove it every single day, all day, and, damn, I falled too much in love with that car) and its so easy to drive annd comfy for such an old big car, just waves into the road, you can do 60-70km/h on speedbumps or even tight corners and no problems at all! Thats what most cativated me to start seeing Mercedes as pearls on roads.

01/04/2016 - 11:18 |
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