Why won't my parents let me buy my own car?

I have worked extremely hard this summer with 50-60 hour weeks, in hope I’d have enough to buy a car I really wanted by the end of summer. Well, I’ve made over $6k and the car I currently drive is worth $5k (title isn’t in my name though). So in theory I have about $10k to spend (with a grand being left for taxes, DMV fees, and insurance). The car I’m looking at is an LS1 Camaro or Trans Am, which are anywhere from $6k-$8k in good condition. Well, I’m still going to be working during the semester to afford gas and bills, so it won’t even be a problem. However, my parents won’t let me buy one. They tell me I need to save my money for when I graduate so I can pay off student loan debt. Well, the problem with that is:
(1.) That is an incredibly soul draining way to live life. Wait until like 25 to start having fun in life? Just working and sitting on all your money and only spending it on bare essentials? That’s a great way to breed depression and make women hate you since you’re focused on yourself rather than them.
(2.) I’m a freaking mechanical/energy engineering major. Student loans are trivial to me, I could pay them off completely within two years of working and still have enough for rent and such. My dad is an engineer so he should know this too. Energy engineers have an average starting salary of $70k-$90k, and considering I’ll be doing energy internships and preferably co-ops during college, it will be easy to get that salary after I graduate. Co-ops and internships pay well (around $20 to $40 an hour) and get you experience that will hire you after college. It also helps this country is about to hit an energy boom and my city is a core player in that. Why not use the money I make form co-ops/internships in the next couple of summers to pay off student loans? I’ll be making way more from that than my current jobs too.
(3.) I have nothing else other than food to spend money on. Housing is provided by loans at the school, and so is a lot of my food. Granted it’s a rip off but whatever. My parents are already using my college fund to cover like half of the cost anyways (which isn’t much since it’s an in-state public university). My parents pay for a lot of my things, including my current car. Shouldn’t they be HAPPY I’m taking away one less expenditure from them and footing the bill on my own? They know my ONLY interest in life is cars, why are they denying me happiness? Thinking about cars relaxes me and motivates me. Other people my age spend their money on drugs and salmon colored polo shirts. What is so bad about me buying something functional that I also enjoy? I take my education seriously and had a 3.8 GPA freshman year when half the people switched majors, dropped out, or are having to retake.

I can still keep working and save up more to pay for the car I want. My older coworkers and brother are telling me to get one now, but I can easily wait until I’m 20 in March if need be. I might do that just to be safe.

However, why are they doing this? What can I do to convince them otherwise? Or should I just buy one and let them be mad at me? I’m not ungrateful at all they’re providing for me, but eventually I have to start growing up and doing stuff on my own. Why won’t they let me take easy steps like these?

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Dat Incredible Chadkake

Well, if your parents are funding your college, then that gives them control. They can be like "If you buy a car, we won’t help you pay for college" kind of thing, it sucks.

08/09/2015 - 01:00 |
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Get Native - Ben

yeh it sucks but you dont really need a car in their eyes, so unless you can create a reason why owning a car is practical your stuck. or just do it anyway its your life and your money just don’t tell them! why not buy a cheap run around? something you dont care about but its so cheap it doesn’t matter as much, I understand why its a bad idea to spend that much on your first car though man, learn to drive properly first, then spend loads on a car worth saving up for :)

08/09/2015 - 01:21 |
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I’ve been driving for 4 years without incident or tickets. I’m quite confident in my skills. It would be my second car but first one I own.

08/09/2015 - 01:24 |
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Thats an unfortunate situation. In my eyes if your parents are adamant about sending you off to college maybe they should kick in too. (my two cents). Buying an Ls1 camaro or trans am would be a responsible decision to prove that you can care for something. If you can afford it you defiantly should go for it. It’s a different scenario if its your first car and you cant afford it. Best of luck!

08/09/2015 - 01:50 |
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Do what I do. Keep annoying them until they give up, in a nice way of course ;)

08/09/2015 - 02:18 |
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Just show them this post?

08/09/2015 - 02:48 |
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Exactly what I was thinking… Let this open in your PC and leave it in a place you know they would see and read

08/09/2015 - 11:27 |
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" reed depression and make women hate you since you’re focused on yourself rather than them." I was reading the post till this line appeared and then I stopped. That’s the most beta thing i have ever seen in my whole life. You are the greatest afc in the world. You really need to reset your mindset because you will become more depressed if you keep on this ideal.

08/09/2015 - 03:05 |
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I would just buy the car. A friend of mine bought an S14 without telling his mum. She was angry at him but it just shows your parents that you are old enough to make your own decisions

08/09/2015 - 03:39 |
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I still don’t understand why you can’t buy one. You have the means to buy it and maintain it, you appear pretty self-sufficent. Why don’t you just buy it? Your parents don’t really have much on you like in the scheme of things it is just a car.. You are allowed to spend your money on whatever you want, and being at the bottom of their price those cars will stay the same in value if not appreciate.

08/09/2015 - 06:12 |
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