Would it be expensive to convert Honda Civic to AWD?

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If there is an 4WD version(factory one) of your model, then: no. IF you can find the parts/ whole car for a reasonable price.

09/25/2015 - 16:53 |
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5,500 CR in Forza 6

09/25/2015 - 19:28 |
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Civics never came as AWD. that’s going to be some Massive conversion and fabrication work, especially since this is a FWD car instead of a RWD one. like.. you’d have to swap the engine and throw it north south instead of the east west direction it’s in now,
which means moving the firewall back to clear an engine capable to properly using that AWD, means re-doing the motor mounts to accept the flipped engine,
means reinforcing the entire front end to accept the new mounts,
means basically cutting out the entire floor and re-welding a new, heavily customised one to clear your new driveshaft, rear axle, transmission, and transfer case,
means brand new suspension components all around to properly clear the new drive parts,
and much much more.

Basically it would literally be simpler and less expensive to find an AWD platform, Rip off the entire body, and weld together a civic body around it.
if you’ve got a few dozen grand and a full blown machine shop, it’s doable. but otherwise.. :/

Might I suggest an early 2000s Impreza, or a WONDERFUL 4motion Euro car? if you’d like it for winter, then all you need is a 4x4 pickup.

at any rate, best of luck with your hunt, mate :)

09/25/2015 - 20:39 |
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