Zenvo DOESN'T deserve the bad reputation surrounding it...

First of all, I just want to mention this article on thesupercarkisd.com which reveals the truth behind what happened on the Top Gear episode with the Zenvo ST1, link : http://thesupercarkids.com/zenvo-st1-the-truth-behind-the-top-gear-review/

I just want to remind everyone that there have been countless reports of Ferraris and Lamborghinis catchinhg fire, but they don’t get as much crap as Zenvo simply because it didn’t happen on Top Gear… WHICH SUCKS!

Zenvo Automotive is a great company and the ST1 is most definately a great car………..

…Yet I have even heard people call the Zenvo a “Peice of crap” or “Overpriced garbage”
Calling something that looks so good, sounds so good, and GOES so good a “Peice of crap” or “overpriced garbage” doesn’t make any sense to me.

Just look at it! The exterior design has great attention to detail, and the v8 creates an amazing amount of power. People call it out because there where problems with the clutch when on top gear, they don’t realize that all cars have their limits. There are less people who praise the zenvo for the amazing figures, as it should be, than there are people mocking it for an incident that happened on a TV show.

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This incident?

02/29/2016 - 20:46 |
13 | 0
Migix (kouki <3)

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)


02/29/2016 - 20:47 |
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Nissan 420sx

I have to say I think the Zenvo is an amazing car, but I haven’t heard a lot about it. I just read like one article about it and saw it on Top Gear. It must be pretty rare (small brand tho)

02/29/2016 - 20:53 |
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Same goes for W Motors. They teamed up with Ruf and others to build their car and to bring the best possible product. The car is completely set up by Ruf. The price (3,4m) is ok considering there are only 7 made. For comparison: one Veyron costs VW 6-8million. But W Motors cant afford to lose so much money because they dont have the huge budget VW has.And W Motors invited potential clients for a test drive in a multi million dollar car thats limited to 7 units. Tell me one manufacturer who would do that. Exactly, there is none.

02/29/2016 - 20:56 |
4 | 1
Igor Konuhov

In reply to by DeLeon

Lets face it, they won’t lose so much money because it didn’t cost so much to make it in the first place. What Lykan is, is a spaceframe (which is achievable in Britain for example by guys in a shed for lunch money), powered by an engine nobody had to invent, through a gearbox nobody had to invent. If anything they’ll be making money on the lykan cars.

02/29/2016 - 22:01 |
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That number is wrong. VW loses around 700k per Veyron.

02/29/2016 - 22:37 |
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Not to mention that this is the companies first ever supercar so of course it’ll have some reliability quirks. I’m sure in a few years or so the st1 will be running as intended

02/29/2016 - 21:00 |
6 | 0

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Also fantastic article, it’s great seeing more variety on car throttle

02/29/2016 - 21:01 |
3 | 0

People are narrow minded they don’t seem to remember or recall the faults of the more established car companies. It’s very easy to pounce on a new company because they have no history to back them up.

02/29/2016 - 21:01 |
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No, its because proportions. The Zenvo on TG isn’t the only car that have caught So if basically, their only car they make sets fire… Is not like Ferrari or Porsche where maybe the 20% of cars they sell have caught fire. In this case, the ST1 represents the 80% of Zenvo so… You know what I mean. I like the car btw

02/29/2016 - 23:31 |
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Hey the NSX caught fire too… That seemed to be old news within a week.

02/29/2016 - 21:49 |
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Migix (kouki <3)

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Thats because Honda/Acura is a more popular brand with very good reputation, so people are less likley to recall such news.

02/29/2016 - 22:04 |
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Igor Konuhov

Cars have limits. But if a limit for a hypercar that is supposed to do insane speeds and cornering is “Don’t drive it fast” then it’s garbage. It’s supposed to be a super…car. Think about those two words. One means “superior”, second means “means of transportation”. So if it’s feats are being on fire on every occasion it is driven fast, and it’s best used as a pretty garage element, then it’s not “super” and it’s not a “car”.

Also here’s a video of it not at all on fire on a completely separate occasion

02/29/2016 - 21:52 |
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Just because it’s a hypercar doesn’t mean you should be constantly powersliding it at high speeds, the clutch isn’t made of diamonds, you know. The car DOES have faults but when compared to other cars like ferrari’s and lamborghini’s, they don’t deserve this much crap. The zenvo has only caught fire TWICE so far whereas who knows how many times more well known cars of high performance class have cought fire. The thing is that people are acting as if ALL ZENVOS will catch fire, which is NOT true, just like how NOT ALL lamborghinis and ferraris are goign to catch fire, rather only a very small ammount.

02/29/2016 - 22:03 |
1 | 0

They couldn’t deliver their side of the story because their car caught fire

02/29/2016 - 22:00 |
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Darude Her Right In The Sandstorm™

Just about anything that has caught fire on film has gotten a stained reputation

02/29/2016 - 22:32 |
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Suure, like aventadors get called out soo much for catching fire…..

02/29/2016 - 22:35 |
0 | 0

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