Four cars simply made for girls, A #BlogPost brought to you by Mk2Golfer

Cars, the most perfect machines known to the mankind come in all shapes and all colors.
Some of them are more attractive to the male population, yet others are preferred by ladies.
Today I am going through a few cars that, by their shape and reputations, seem to be more popular and appropriate for females. Whether they were made that way, or earned that reputation on the way.

NOTE: This is meant to be an opinion, semi-comical and semi-serious. But it is by no mean meant to be offensive to anyone. I like and respect every car on this list, therefore I do not want any of the male owners to be offended. The purpose of this post is everything but sexist. Please hold yourselves from writing feminist comments.

1: Fiat 500

I don’t know if I am the only one, but whenever someone says the word “Girly” and the word “Car” in a single sentence, this little fellow pops into my head. Just looking at it’s shape and size, it tells you everything.
A small car that is easy to drive around the town and has a sunroof for that extra lighting when putting on your mascara.
The fact that it’s small also helps girls park it on the mall parking lot during the sale.
We all know that the art of parking has never been to popular to the female part of the world, and extra 5 minutes that you get by parking fast will affect positive to your search for the perfect outfit!

It was factory made to fit exactly 1 high school rival in the trunk.
Or an average of 10 shopping bags.

The little Fiat has been putting smiles on rich first world girls since it was made.
A massive blast in it’s popularity was enabled by Carly Rae Jepsen and Megan Trainor featuring it in their videos.
Cheeky Fiat knew his target group.
Very calculated and ‘Just Product Placement’, as Bart Baker said in one of his parody videos.

If you want to lose a few brain cells, here is the link to the video where Fiat 500 was featured:


Of course, this car has some models that look a bit less feminine.
Like, for example, the Fiat 500 Abarth or the Fiat 600 ( the father of Fiat 500)

2: Volkswagen New Beetle

Another first world 20 year old girl’s dream.
The shape kinda resembles the Fiat 500, except it’s a bit bigger, therefore fits more shoppingholics inside.
And, of course, their shopping bags.
Or if they’re a bit older (or younger and less careful), even children can fit in the back seats.
Volkswagen knew their car’s buyers and took a smart move by putting the engine in the front.
Big boot = More space = More shopping.

A few days ago, a creme white New Beetle convertible cuts me off.
I barely manage to brake and save us both from expenses.
Now, she didn’t even notice that, so I honked the sh.t out of my car and prepared to shout her what I usually do in these situations (about 10 juicy Serbian cusses), but I didn’t do it.
Because she was literally doing her hair while taliking on her phone.
Not worth my anger, I said, and just continued.

Now, a mod that the gals often do to their Bugs are eyelashes.
Yeah, I don’t think that they look… less bad than the New Beetle.

If the shape, my story and the lashes didn’t convince you that the New Beetle is girly, just remember that Barbie herself drives one.

And in case you are looking for a less girly alternative, the old Bug is perfect. Or the Porsche 911. Haha.

3: Mini Cooper / any newer Mini

Take a look at this car…
Now close your eyes and imagine someone in the driver’s seat.
Who do you see?
90% sure that it’s a teenage girl.
In my opinion, even the car’s front looks like a girl’s face… Haha.

Now, I know that BMW is known for making cars that girls like to be driven in… But not for dailying for f.cks sake.
Welp, I think that the German car industry is changing.
I’ve even read a newspapers article where the guys from the statistic headquarters say that their car is getting the reputation of a girly ride…
At least they were honest.

Anyways, just like the Bug, the Mini looks pretty nice with eyelashes and painted pink… If you’re blind, or a 16 year old girl.
That’s the reason why it makes the perfect gift for the Sweet 16.
Unless you pick the wrong color…
There was a video-commercial about that, tho I couldn’t find it.

But I found a way to make your Mini even girlier!

NOW it looks like a girl. Haha.

And if you want something less girly, you should consider getting the precessor of the Cooper, the OG Mini.

I guess that would be it for today’s list.
Now, there is one car that might fit the list.
It’s the Mx5 Miata.
It can look extremely girly…
But I know that if I touch CarThrottle’s precious Miata I will suffer the consequences…
But you know what?
I’m gonna add it to the list.

4: Mazda Mx5 Miata (All gens)

Small roadster?
Round edges with a girly front end?
2 seater with a tiny interior?
You can’t deny science, females are built smaller than men.
So another ‘check’.

As triggered as you might’ve got, this car suits this list.
It has all the predispositions to be called girly.
All 4 generations.
IMO it is closer to being a white girl’s Barbie mobile or even a Kei car than being a sports car.
It’s not just the looks, but the also the power.
As much as the power doesn’t effect the car being called a sportscar, it’s a bit low powered for my taste.

But there’s a thing that makes this car stand out on the list.
The fact that it has a lot of male drivers who tune it for fun.
Probably because it’s common and RWD.
Other than that, it has no reasons for being popular whatsoever.
And the fact that Kersten owns one and that Clarkson likes them.
It’s something I’ve always hated, liking a car just because a celebrity approves it.

Well, I guess my list is complete now.
Make sure to drop a comment on what you think about these cars and any additions to the list.

Thanks for reading and
Cheers, fellas!

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David 27

add Nissan S13
remove NC and ND Mx5

03/20/2017 - 17:35 |
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Yes, the s13 looks like an Asian chick.

The NC and ND look… Well, much less girlier than the A and B, but still seem like something a girl’d drive.

03/20/2017 - 17:37 |
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I agree with this list, though funny thing is that almost all modern Mini drivers I’ve seen are guys but they’re all usually hipsters.
Most teenage girls in my home town drive mk2/3 Golf’s, which is quite nice

03/20/2017 - 17:41 |
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My grandma drives a Mini lol

03/21/2017 - 21:56 |
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Mustang, march/micra, del sol, polo

03/20/2017 - 18:39 |
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MicraDelSol CRX,Polo…
But Mustang?

03/20/2017 - 18:53 |
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I’d like to hear what an actual girl thinks is a girly car, that’d be interesting. And on your point about A celebrity influence on a car. I don’t think Clarkson’s like of the MX5 is particularly influential. He liked the Peugeot 806 People Carrier and that didn’t matter to anyone.

Plus I’ve liked Mazdas because they are Mazdas. Simple as.

03/20/2017 - 18:51 |
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People liking Miatas because they are Miatas and defeating them no matter what is what drives me crazy.
It’s overrated.

03/20/2017 - 18:53 |
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  1. Yes
  2. Yes
  3. Yes
  4. And yes

Basically, i fckin agree with you lol

I would add del sol’s, and, imo, any little hatches (fit, yaris, kio, etc)

03/20/2017 - 19:07 |
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None of this is correct. I don’t know if you actually meant that “The cars listed below are strictly marketed towards women”, but if it is, then no, that’s not it.

First, there’s the MX-5. It’s always been marketed towards dudes. Come to think of it, I don’t even think women like Miatas. Also, how on Earth is the MX-5 NB, at least, even remotely girly? It looks more like a maniacal dude, if you ask me. Plus, isn’t the “MX-5 = Feminine” statement a cliche at this point? We all get it. Why keep shoving it down peoples’ throats? It is literally no different than saying “Miata is always the answer” all damn day.

Second, the Beetle and newer Minis don’t really have that many ads on TV, so it really doesn’t make sense to say they’re marketed as such. The 500, on the other hand, has many adverts with women in them, sooooo…yeah.

Third, if you make a post like this again, try to base it in factual statements. Saying something is marketed towards women simply because of the looks isn’t gonna make your point. Or at least re-phrase the title, so it doesn’t sound like you’re saying “I am talking in facts” instead of “I am talking from my own viewpoints”. It’s all about the title.

Tl;dr: The title needs work, and I don’t find every MX-5 girly. ok thx bye

03/20/2017 - 19:08 |
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In reply to by [Flux]

So, you are saying my OPINIONS are not correct?
Yeah… Opinions cannot be correct r incorrect.
I’m talking about a car’s lines and drivers.

The MX5 - as I said. Because I don’t like it and think it’s girly, you made a whole article in the comments.
Suck it, it’s my opinion.
By telling me it’s not girly you are the one shoving your opinion down my throat.
And just because the “Miata is girly” opinion is unpopular doesn’t mean that I can’t think it’s girly.

If you went out to the street, you’d see that 90 per cenr of all the New Bug drivers are girls, mostly 20s.
And about the Mini, there’s literally a newspaper article where someone from the company complains about 80% of the customers being females. I read it in a domestic newspaper.
And I never directly said that Mini and Bug are marketed as female cars.
The ‘VW replaced the engine…” thing was a joke. If you know what a joke is.

And before you make comments like a triggered feminist, read that this is partially a comical article, a joke.

03/20/2017 - 19:22 |
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Olds Alero

In reply to by [Flux]

Eh, the Miata is kinda girly in my opinion, even if lots of dudes like it.

The Beetle is girly as hell, after all, it’s the stereotypical Barbie car.

I don’t really mind the Mini, and I actually like the Fiat 500.

Either way, you don’t have to post on every one of Mk2’s posts and start ranting. You obviously don’t understand how to look away from things you don’t like, man.

03/20/2017 - 23:12 |
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Nice read, I’m not your average woman and so I have never desired to own any of those cars :)

03/20/2017 - 19:10 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Thanks, mrs Dreamer.: D
I know that you prefer Ferraris, yet thought this article might be interesting . :)

03/21/2017 - 15:49 |
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CZ 69% Muscle

Kinda funny how on the internet MX-5s are relentlessly put down for being girly yet i still see MX-5s being driven almost exclusively by dudes

03/20/2017 - 19:41 |
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Dudes with clippers and mouse

03/20/2017 - 19:45 |
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I see feminists coming
runs away

03/20/2017 - 19:53 |
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I don’t know saying that something is girly as in thing that females like, is stupid. Aesthetic preferences aren’t dependent on gender or sexuality. Also people like MX-5’s because they’re cheap, reliable, easy to work on, light, economical(for a fun to drive roadster), fun to drive, they are roadsters so you can open the roof and the most important one, THE LIGHTS GO UP AND THE LIGHTS GO DOWN! Also NA looks nice, it’s nothing special, but just can’t hate it, it just looks cute like a puupy and you just can’t hate a cute puppy man.

03/20/2017 - 20:22 |
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